We all know every lunatic who can afford it is going to be in Denver this week for the Democratic National Convention, including Democrats.

The MACC (Multi-Agency Communications Center) opened up on Saturday at the Federal Center in Lakewood. The Federal Center is a 670-acre facility that houses 6,200 federal employees working for 26 different Federal agencies in 4 million square feet of offices, warehouses, laboratories and more.
This week, the Secret Service will manage 62 different federal, state and local agencies as they monitor all manner of communications in and around Denver, including live camera suveillance, satellite imagery and reports on the ground.
Source: 9NEWS.comSome of the federal agencies involved in the MACC include the Secret Service, the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Coast Guard, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) and several agencies representing the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office.
Denver Police and other city agencies, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, state Homeland Security, along with representatives from several public utilities, will also monitor what is going on from the MACC so they too can respond to any emergency.
The reason the Secret Service will be in charge of this event is President Clinton's PDD-62:
Source: United States Secret ServiceIn May of 1998, President Clinton issued Presidential Decision Directive 62 (PDD-62). In effect, this directive formalized and delineated the roles and responsibilities of federal agencies in the development of security plans for major events. The clarifying of responsibilities serves to focus more clearly the role of each agency and eliminate the duplication of efforts and resources.
In 2000, the Presidential Protection Act of 2000 became public law. Included in the bill, signed on December 19, was an amendment to Title 18, USC § 3056 which codified PDD-62. Now, with the support of federal law, the Secret Service is authorized to participate "in the planning, coordination and implementation of security operations at special events of national significance."
When an event is designated by the Secretary of Homeland Security as a National Special Security Event (NSSE), the Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan. The Secret Service has developed a core strategy to carry out its security operations, which relies heavily on its established partnerships with law enforcement and public safety officials at the local, state and federal levels.
The goal of the cooperating agencies is to provide a safe and secure environment for Secret Service protectees, other dignitaries, the event participants and the general public. There is a tremendous amount of advance planning and coordination in preparation for these events, particularly in the areas of venue and motorcade route security, communications, credentialing and training.
Here is a slide from an unclassified Power Point Presentation regarding NSSE's (National Special Security Events) planned for this year:

So, while all the nuts who can afford to get to Denver are parading around in the streets, and the DNC Delegates do their thing, rest assured that there are people doing their best to keep them safe, and if the once unthinkable happens, they will be ready to swing into action to respond to the situation.
I will be monitoring the action from the Pig Pen, and will be posting frequent updates on the situation in Denver.
Check out Current TV's preconvention shows from Denver and Minneapolis
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