It's official...Barack Obama has just conceeded defeat in 2008 by picking Senator Joe Biden as his running mate, and made it public at the ghastly hour of 3 AM, he was so ashamed at his pick. The Republicans have their dreams come true...two progressives on the same ticket!
What are his people thinking? They could have sucked the air from the room at a moment of their choosing to make any negative story about Obama to just go away, or overwhem any postive McCain story. The perfect time would have been the Monday after Saddleback to limit the damage that fiasco cost him. Of course, he might have still been undecided on who his running mate would be at the time.
Now, his selection will be old news by Monday. Just odd. This will, by all counts, be a very entertaining Campaign Season with Biden on the trail:
I can only think that Obama has let a committee choose his running mate...and he got the committees answer to a horse...a camel named Joe Biden.
Obama is weak in military affairs...Biden is seen as strong. Check.
Obama has no experience...Biden has been in the Senate since 1972, before Obama was in puberty. Check.
I could go on and on. But you get the idea. Now, if McCain can seal the deal with Romney...we can quite possibly obtain a greater victory than Nixon did over McGovern in 1972.
Obama, here's your sign...

What is that on his shoulder, a parrot?

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