I found this at the Daily Paul website:
A Paultard called OraboxDELEGATES either vote for Ron Paul first round or go to the restroom . Do something just do not vote for a man you know is not qualified. You may be bound in the first round so sit it out.
This will be your finest hour, the Supreme Court has ruled that you have the right and obligation to judge the facts of the case and also the judge the law being applied in a trial that applies here also. VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE and bring this country back to "We The People".
My opinion is that the delegates that have been bound to vote for McCain 1st round that are now enlightened by Paulites or just the plain old truth have to vote their conscience and vote Paul first round to stop McCain from getting the required number first round. Damned people are still telling people to vote first round McCain if they are bound.This is really important and we are just about out of time and I think since there are only 11 days left. I encourage all the delegates to revolt and also try for a vote of no confidence motion in McCain from the floor before ANY voting even starts.This could make the difference in McCain not getting the required amount and winning the nomination.
A Paultard named Trollkiller
I bring this to you for your entertainment as the Paultards meet with reality in Minnesota...the reality of McCain-Palin 2008 that will crush the fantasy of Ron Paultard in the White House.
Have pity on them, for they have no clue that Ron Paultard has led them into defeat in the GOP. They should realize that they are vastly outnumbered and outmaneuvered inside the Republican Party.
I would also like to apologize for not mocking the Paultards enough lately, I have been busy...and just realized that they are headed toward an EPIC FAIL this coming week...

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