PUMA's Shadowing the Dean Bus Tour with PUMA Asheville, Atlanta and Greenville
A local leader in the PUMA Movement in the North Carolina Democratic Party sent the video to me, and she wants the voters to know about the crimes of Obama:
You can find out more at Obama Crimes, where the are files you can download for further examination.
Wildflower Sandi's Obama playlist.
The local PUMA blog in Asheville.
Another PUMA blog, Confluence.
I first met Sandi through this video I edited when I saw how the DNC treated Hillary...and allowed Obama to walk through another primary by disqualifying his opponent through paperwork and legalese, just as he did in 1996. Now, Hillary Supporters have taken a page from Obama's own playbook:
A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States.
Source: Hang Right Politics
I consider it Political Karma.
**update** 7.29 AM
Mocking Senator Obama's choice for a 3 AM notification of his choice for announcing Biden as running mate, the McCain Campaign has released a campaign commercial at 3 AM this morning called Passed Over:
HI Thunderpig! GREAT Blog!!!!
Lottsa hard work huh? I have shared with locals and others as well.
Just wanted to say!
I think-here's my .2-that he and Hillary would make a GREAT team!
She has alot of respect for him and he her and this is the kind of bi-partisianship we need on the floor of the Senate and Congress!
Gone is the voting for the party-we have proven that doesn't work for us-the citizens-it only works for them-the ones we elect and it doesn't even work good for them!
We need everybody working together to get this country back on track! Or to start all over again one!
Well, I have a feeling or a dream-LOL-but think we will be seeing more bipartisian works in the coming yrs-we just have to get the small fry out of the way 1st!!!
Bless you for making this info so accessibile! I subbed.
YOUR Friend Always,
Thanks, Debbie!
Hillary was robbed.
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