Saturday, February 28, 2009
Governor Perdue Launches NCRecovery Website
Email Warrior Charlie tipped me to this:Governor Perdue today launched NC Recovery, a guide to services of the newly created Office of Economic Recovery & Investment. will let visitors track federal recovery funds in North Carolina, as well as learn about local contract and grant opportunities. "I am committed to providing the people of North Carolina with a simple-to-navigate guide that is efficient, transparent and accountable,” Perdue said. “I want the people of North Carolina to understand exactly how the...
Hummingbirds on Chestnut Cove,
and a Republican Tea Party in Asheville
Today is my grandmother's funeral, so I won't be blogging today except for this notice). You can see live video from CPAC at Conservative Thunder, with the Townhall feed and the Hot Air feed by Ed Morrissey. In regional political news, a Republican Tea Party was held yesterday at Pritchard Park, and Tim Peck is first out the gate with video:And the Carolina Stompers have an original video report from the scene.Read more at Jane Q Republican, an Asheville conservative blogger (there will be even more in the next year or so!). Welcome...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Bread and Circuses: Get Your Obama Bailout Money Now!!!

The people have discovered that they can vote themselves a largess from the public treasury. In my opinion, we have crossed the tipping point, and cannot go back. The cycle continues onward to the next stage in our fall from a Free Society. A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority...
Watch Day Two of CPAC 2009
Broadcasting Live with Ustream.TVToday's Agenda is here.The Hot Air channel with Ed Morrisse...
A Resolution to Restore State Sovereignty
2/27/2009 07:08:00 AM
Buncombe County
Campain for Liberty
Conservative Thunder
Federal Oppression
Ron Paul

There has been a growing movement on the right against Federal Oppression of the many states of the Union which I will call the State Sovereignty Movement, and draws it's moral authority from the US Constitution and the Federalist Papers which were written to champion the (then) new document. James Madison, the Father of our Constitution, clarified the authority of the Federal government in the Federalist Papers #45:"The powers delegated...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Watch CPAC 2009 Live,
Chat with Other Viewers
2/26/2009 06:02:00 AM
Automated Post
Conservative Thunder
Live Event
New Media
Social Networking
**update 7.02am** Andy has added two video channels to Conservative Thunder so you can watch Townhall's coverage and Hot Air/Ed Morrissey's coverage and chat as well, either locally or nationally. Maybe next year, we can send a crew from Conservative Thunder to provide some North Carolina-flavored coverage as well!Thanks to Townhall for providing this live feed for everyone!I have included the chatroom below the player for your convenience, and so you can experience the joy of participating in events that comes with social networking opportunities,...
NC General Assembly 02-26-2009
Legislative Calender
2/26/2009 06:00:00 AM
Automated Post
General Assembly
Legislative Calender
NCGA Project
north carolina

Another busy day in the General Assembly:8:30 AMAPPROPRIATIONS/Transportation (House)1228LB8:30 AMAPPROPRIATIONS/General Government (House)1425LB8:30 AMAPPROPRIATIONS/Justice and Public Safety (Joint)415LOB8:30 AMAPPROPRIATIONS/Natural and Economic Resources (House)423LOB8:30 AMAPPROPRIATIONS/Heath and Human Services (House)643LOB8:30 AMAPPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (Joint)8:30...
NC General Assembly
Joint Republican Press Conference of 02-24-2009
2/26/2009 05:18:00 AM
General Assembly
NC House
NC Senate
Phil Berger
Here is the Press Conference from the other day that I was unable to listen to or record because the audio quality of the General Assembly's webfeeds were so poor that day. It is in three part...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dilbert Does Bailout Hearing!!!

It would have been so cool if one of the CEOs had said this during the hearing to expose the hypocrisy of the Democratic Senators!Hat Tip: Trevor CarahDilbert on the Interne...
Celebrating the Two Year Anniverary of Political Pistachio Radio
2/25/2009 08:11:00 AM
Blog Talk Radio
Political Thinkers

I can't believe that Doug is celebrating two years on Blog Talk Radio!Here is the show that aired last night:From the show billing:Tonight Political Pistachio Radio celebrates two years of broadcasting superior conservative internet radio - with clips of past guests like Dr. Blogstein, Wild Phil, Jenn of the Jungle, Loki, Paul Couturier, Paul Ibbetson, Governor James Gilmore, Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, Walid Shoebat, Gates of Vienna, William...
NC General Assembly 02-25-2009
Legislative Calender
2/25/2009 06:00:00 AM
Automated Post
General Assembly
Legislative Calender
north carolina
I wish that there wasn't such a Gate Keeper mentality in the Raleigh area Legacy Media and bloggers who cover the General Assembly, and someone would work to provide wall to wall coverage of the actions of the elected legislators when they are meeting. Today is another busy day of meetings is taking place in the North Carolina General Assembly, and most of them are taking place in rooms where the public cannot follow their deliberation live:8:30 AM AND 2:00 PMAPPROPRIATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON GENERAL GOVERNMENT (Joint)Agency Overview/Briefings1425LB8:30 AM...
President Obama's Address and
The Republican Response by Gov Bobby Jindal
2/25/2009 04:05:00 AM
Barack Obama
Bobby Jindal
economic socialism
Resistance to Socialism
First, the Address to the Nation, which was not a State of the Union (that takes place in late January each year:TranscriptAnd here is the Republican Response as given by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal:TranscriptI have watched neither because both took place after my regular bedtime (between 7pm and 8pm). I'll watch them today and will have more to say late...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Play “O-BINGO” with Obama Tonight!
2/24/2009 04:16:00 PM
Barack Obama
conservative activism
economic socialism

Get your O-BINGO cards here:Download Card A (PDF) Download Card B (PDF) Download Card C (PDF) Download Card D (PDF)For rules on how to play the game, visit O-BINGO Night at Americans For Tax Refor...
Blog Talk Radio 02-24-2009
TCOT Radio and JPA Live
2/24/2009 03:19:00 PM
Blog Talk Radio

Instead of posting twice, once for each show, I'm gonna put the players for both shows on the same post. (I am getting so lazy lately).1st up is TCOT Radio. The host of this show is Tony Katz out of Los Angeles, and he runs the show for the rapidly expanding TCOT Network of Conservative Activists:The show starts at 4pm Eastern and runs for an hour, and will be archived shortly after the end of the show for your listening pleasure by Blog Talk Radio.You...
Rick Santelli’s “Barbaric Yawp” over the rooftops of Washington
2/24/2009 01:34:00 PM
conservative activism
economic socialism
Social Networking

Rick Santelli ranted about the Socialism for America Act recently passed through Congress on CNBC recently, and that rant has been used to rally the troops around the nation to wake Americans up to the crime being perpetrated on them and the next two or three generations by the Obama Administration and the Democrats as they attempt to destroy Capitalism.A twitter friend of mine has posted on the rant and the reaction on this on his blog, Right Commentary,...
Cell Phones Used by Terrorists in Mumbai Traced to United States

The suspect, named as Javaid Iqbal, sent the funds via Western Union to pay for five cell phones with Austrian country codes -- three of which were used by the attackers, ‘Corriere’ said, citing the Indian dossier. Iqbal, a former resident of Barcelona, has been arrested in Pakistan and Italian authorities were attempting to understand how he arrived in Brescia and whether he had support from anyone there. The cell phones were activated in the United...
Who Uses Google to Find Naked Hippies?

Perverts, that who!I've been getting at least a dozen hits a day by people using "Naked Hippies" as a search term ever since I posted about the naked hippie bike ride that was planned for Asheville last May. Stop it, people! Find something more useful to do other than look for pictures of naked hippies. Good Grie...