This five-part playlist includes the entire program from yesterday's Memorial Day Observance that took place in the Fine Arts Building of the Franklin High School. The original venue at the Veterans Memorial park was rained out.
These videos include:
Opening Remarks by Don Lanson, USMC (retired).
Presentation of the Colors by the Marine Corps League Detachment 973.
Presentation of the Colors of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Marine Corps League and Vietnam Veterans of America.
Invocation by Reverend Ronnie Branson, Minister of Care and Outreach, Cowee Baptist Church.
Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Meaning and Origin of Memorial Day
Sarah Luzzi, FHS Student Body President
Ben Carrion
Recitation of the Poem
"In Flanders field"
Sarah Martin
Franklin High School Band
"Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Origin of the Poem
"In Flanders Field"
Kathleen Cipolla
Veteran Organization Commanders remarks
Bob Slicer
Commander, American Legion
Charles Sanders,
Prospective Commander Veterans of Foreign Wars
Gregg Hunt
Commandant, Marine Corps League
Bob Henry
Commander, Vietnam Veterans of America
The Armed Forces Medley performed by the Franklin High School Band
Honors rendered to the deceased
Rifle Salute by the funeral detail of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Marine Corps League
Taps by Shane McConnell
Retirement of the Colors by the Marine Corps League Color Guard
The National Anthem performed by the Franklin High School Band
There are still a few bricks that can be purchased at the Veterans Memorial of Macon County. Visit Veterans Memorial of Macon County to find out more about how you can donate or to purchase a brick, or to find directions to the site. It is the best Memorial to Veterans in Western North Carolina.

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