My favorite part of the video is that you can see the detritus of previous dry runs, as illustrated in this photo.
OK Go requested a Rube Goldberg machine as the centerpiece of a video. To borrow from wikipedia, a "Rube Goldberg machine is a deliberately over-engineered machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction. The name is drawn from American cartoonist and inventor Rube Goldberg." Think of the classic board game Mousetrap or your favorite chain reactions from Tom & Jerry cartoons.
More than 40 engineers, techies, artists, and circus types spent several months designing, building, rebuilding, and re-setting a machine that took up two floors of a Los Angeles warehouse. The volunteers gave up many nights, weekends, and even some vacation days to build a stunning machine that has drawn more than 13 million views on YouTube.
Source: What on Earth (a NASA blog)
Related: Brent Bushnell (I swiped the photo from him)
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