Hendersonville, NC– The Jeff Miller for Congress campaign released a poll to major news sources in Washington, Wednesday morning, highlighting that NC 11 is more competitive than recently believed. The data concluded that Congressman Shuler, once thought as invulnerable, has falling victim to America’s growing resentment of Washington incumbents. “Anytime you have an incumbent being held well under a 50% re-elect, you know there is a serious problem. This clearly shows that people are tired of career politicians who say much and do little,” said Campaign Manager Brian Barrett.
“This poll shows that the people of western North Carolina are frustrated and fed up with what is happening in Washington DC. They are tired of the political rhetoric and are looking for fresh, new, proven leadership. I think as our campaign continues to garner the support of the people of western North Carolina, we will be successful in our fight to take our values to Washington,” said Jeff Miller.
The Miller campaign plans on continuing to take their message to the people. “We want to restore America’s faith in their leadership. As we continue to work hard to bring our message of legislative responsibility to the people of our district, I have little doubt we will be successful come November”, Miller concluded.
Here is an excerpt from the article referenced by the Miller Campaign...
Here's new evidence that North Carolina's 11th district may develop into a "sleeper" race this fall.
Rep. Heath Shuler, a Blue Dog Democrat, is polling under 50 percent in his conservative western North Carolina district and leading his relatively unknown GOP challenger by just 12 points, according polling conducted for the campaign of businessman Jeff Miller.
The survey showed Shuler at 46 percent with Miller at 34 percent and 18 percent undecided.
The poll of 300 likely general election voters was conducted for Miller's campaign June 1-3 by Public Opinion Strategies and had a 5.6-point margin of error.
Source: CQ Politics
Related: Open Secrets goes into detail regarding the money race, and underlines what has been a concern of mine since 2008 when the Republican candidate, Carl Mumpower, refused to make a serious attempt to raise money.
See previous posts regarding this race.

"I think as our campaign continues to garner the support of the people of western North Carolina, we will be successful in our fight to take our values to Washington,” said Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller doesn't garner support from Western NC, only the neocons of Henderson county.
Jeff Miller is a McCain type Republican who doesn't have a shot in hell at beating Heath Shuler. You can't beat Heath Shuler with Heath Shuler Lite.
I feel bad for WNC Conservatives, this election was over the day that Miller was nominated.
Neocon, eh?
Lemme guess, you're a libertarian who would prefer a Ron Paul type candidate?
That's not going to happen in this district anytime soon.
I've heard Jeff Miller speak on many occasions, and I can faithfully report that he is a mainline conservative. While I don't agree with him on every issue, I am confident that he would, if elected, serve this district, and our nation with courage, thoughtfulness, and honor.
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