A pretty good storm passed from my Northeast to my Southwest, dropping a quick quarter inch of rain at my place some 4 miles NE of Franklin, NC. Here are some photos I took during and after the storm.

The storm knocked over my Cherokee Purple Tomatoes and I had to improvise a temporary support system to hold them up. I guess that means that I'll have to go ahead and build a trellis to support them tomorrow. I should have had that built this weekend anyway.

Here is a 3.2 second exposure of a storm cloud and the planet Venus after sunset.

I'm looking forward to sampling some of those tomatoes in a few weeks.
My wife is always worried that you'll get struck by lightning when she sees you out taking pictures during storms.
I'm going to town today and getting the lumber and string to build my trellis system. You're welcome to come over and help this evening around 7 or 8, or hold the camera for me.
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