Here is the legislative calender for the North Carolina General Assembly today...
8:30 AM | 544 LOB | |
9:00 AM | 1228 LB | |
9:00 AM | Joint Conferees on Appropriations on Department of Transportation | 1228 LB |
10:00 AM | Public Utilities (House) | 1228 LB |
10:00 AM | Homeland Security, Military, and Veterans Affairs (House) | 1425 LB |
10:00 AM | Pensions and Retirement (House) | 415 LOB |
10:00 AM | Local Government I (House) Burlington Charter/Real Property Sale/Lease. (H1688) Winston-Salem Fox Hunting. (H1893) Increase Montgomery Co. Occup. Tax. (H1895) Shelby May Inspect Cleveland County Vehicles. (H1910) Allow Wheel Locks for City of Fayetteville. (H1916) Wake Email Address Lists/Electronic Access. (H1921) Maintain Banner Elk Occupancy Tax Distrib. (H1966) Thomasville Historic Landmarks/Structures. (H1976) Amend Highlands Scholarship Fund. (H2044) | 425 LOB |
10:00 AM | Education/Higher Education (Senate) Education Cabinet Est. STEM Priority. (S1198) Add'l Flex./Coop. Innovative High Schools. (S1201) Career Acad. as Coop. Innov. High School. (S1202) SBOE Members Ex Officio to Econ. Dev. Comm. (S1244) Require Use EVAAS in Schools. (H1669) No High School Graduation Proj. Required. (H1864) Consolidate Regulation/Early Care&Ed Provider. (S1119) | 643 LOB |
11:00 AM | Transportation (House) Extend Zoo Funds & Org. Study Committee. (H1720) Motor Vehicles Law Changes. (H1729) Allow Williamston to Operate Motorized ATVs. (H1821) Special Plate for Carolina Raptor Center. (H1902) Special Plate for the Fisheries Industry. (H1926) Special Plate/Outer Banks Preservation Assoc. (H1946) Special Plate - Silver Star/Disabled Veteran. (H1972) Special Plate for the Legion of Merit Award. (H1990) | 1228 LB |
11:00 AM | Brevard Academy/Retirement Election. (H1778) Columbus County/Fire District Support Fees. (H1856) Brunswick Co. Economic Dev. Comm. Membership. (H1920) Increase Wilkesboro Firemen's Pension. (H1941) Bermuda Run Debt Collection/Gates & Fences. (H1944) Graham Deannexation. (H1960) Abolish Rutherford County Coroner. (H2056) Chapel Hill Energy Efficiency/Renewable. (S1114) | 1425 LB |
11:00 AM | Aging (House) | 415 LOB |
12:00 NOON | Agriculture (House) | 1228 LB |
12:00 NOON | Pensions & Retirement & Aging (Senate) | 423 LOB |
1:00 PM | Ways and Means/Broadband Connectivity (House) | 415 LOB |
1:00 PM | Finance (Senate) | 544 LOB |
1:00 PM | Election Law and Campaign Finance Reform (House) | 1425 LB |
3:00 PM | Session Convenes (House) | House Chamber |
3:00 PM | Session Convenes (Senate) | Senate Chamber |

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