According to one local official, this week's ICE raid on Mills Manufacturing has substantially benefited Western North Carolina. 11th District Republican Congressional candidate Carl Mumpower is taking a position that at least 120 new jobs have resulted from the bust.
"Mills is rehiring for 57 positions and they are using the federal E-verify system to make sure that all employees are legal citizens," said Mumpower. "Down the street, Arvato (formerly Sonopress) had 60 people leave their job site when ICE raided Mills. To the credit of this company's management, per information passed to our office by someone in the plant, those 60 people were subsequently fired, and now Arvato is in the process of rehiring. Like Mills, they are using the E-verify program to make sure that their new employees are legal citizens."
Mumpower has challenged what he views as a "permissive" portrayal of the ICE intervention at Mills. "Much has been said about the negative impact to the illegal aliens affected, the company, and the families of those involved. I share sympathy for anyone who makes bad choices and has consequence, but most of the stories I have read are mighty enthusiastic about the victim end of the equation and mighty indifferent to the accountability end of the equation."
In Mumpower's view, the raid has resulted in a net gain of at least 120 jobs for American citizens. "ICE should be commended for bringing jobs back to our community in a time when a lot of working families need good jobs," said Mumpower. "If a new plant opened with a plan to provide 120 new jobs we would see a press conference and front page headlines. I doubt the Chamber of Commerce, one of many groups who have practiced appeasement policy on illegal immigration, will be taking that step. Those of us who believe that we need to start taking better care of America can have our own private party and celebrate the success. Employers in WNC are free to move their business to Mexico - this time they were held accountable for trying to move Mexico to WNC."
Carl Mumpower
11th District Republican Congressional Candidate
Principles first - always.
Candidate Website
Carl Mumpower understands the problems caused by illegal aliens, and will work with federal authorities to take care of this problem.

This is indeed a good day for western North Carolina, and I would like to urge all people in this area to monitor the hiring practices of local companies.
Do you know of a company that hires illegal aliens?
Do you know of a place where illegal aliens gather to be picked up for work?
If so, use the contact info on the upper left hand sidebar to pass along the information and I will investigate and publish photographs of the people and their vehicles as they pick up illegal aliens for work. What I am proposing is a western North Carolina version of We Hire Aliens. We can also pass along the information for them to include in their database of employers who hire illegal aliens.
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