I haven't heard if this war has been given a name, yet. So, I will refer to it as the Russian Olympic War, because it started during the 29th Olympiad, and on the opening day.
I have been tracking the developments of this war online through various news services, blogs (in English and Russian), and have subscribed to various tags on the major video sharing sites. I had to discontinue subscribing to the tags because of the large number of retards who are tagging their videos with them to gain viewers...so I am doing it by hand.
Some of the first videos to appear were taken from local broadcasts or B-roll taken from the satellite uplinks by the networks. Yesterday, their started appearing videos made by people who favored one side or the other, and sought to make propaganda pieces and music videos set to the footage from the war.
Here is a music video from a supporter of Russia using combat footage and that nasty, evil sounding German rock music favored by Neo-Nazis and skinheads:
And, here is a video from a supporter of Georgia, imploring the world for help against the Russians, and offering a website to sign a petition (Warning--Do not under any circumstance give your personal email to any petition, as it could just be an email phishing operation. I always use one of my alternate, disposable accounts).
I may support the Georgian side in this conflict, but I am not stupid:
And here is a piece that is eerily reminecent of scenes from the movie Cloverfield, where a group of people run around after a Russian attack, and manage to catch one of the bomb or missile attacks (1:15). I can't understand what they are saying, but you can get the general idea by the tone of their voices:
And here is a piece by Russia Today that accuses the Georgians of genocide:
And here is another video, which attempts to convey the history of the conflict between Russia and Georgia and (rightly) lays out Russian use of ethnic tensions to invade Georgia. I draw the historical parallel to Adolf Hitler's haranguing of his neighbors in the 1930's as a pretext for war:
In my personal opinion, I believe that Putin is doing that, and he wants control of the pipeline that goes into Turkey so that he will be in control of most of the oil that goes into Europe...for Europe is the real target of this war. He wants to re-establish Russia as the dominant nation in Eastern Europe...and he wants the Republics who broke away when the Soviet Union fell to become part of his new empire he is building.
And, if he can neutralize Georgia, he will gain an advantage to help his ally Iran in the coming conflict to deny them nuclear weapons.
Putin is a dangerous man, and he must be stopped by any means necessary...before he kills millions in his quest for power. Putin is a villian, pure and simple.
**update** 10.43 AM Here is a late addition to Live Leak, a British Camera crew getting strafed by a Russian jet:
And Gateway Pundit has a video of Putin (the Villainous) blaming the United States for his invasion of Georgia.
John Batchelor Show for Aug 10th
Georgia Calls for Ceasefire
Monitoring the War in Georgia
Russia Invades Georgia
Russia Preparing To Invade Georgia? (Updated)
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