
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

NC General Assembly
11-17-2010 Legislative Calendar

**4.29pm** Here is the audio of the Joint select committee on Global Engagement:

There was no documentation available for this meeting. The committee will be meeting again on December 9, 2010.

**8.52am** I've decided to cover the meeting of the Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee live this morning. I'll be using #NCLEG and you can see the agenda of this meeting by scrolling down. You can also follow along by listening to the live audio and following along on the twitter widget below or by using your favorite twitter client with the hashtag #NCLEG. So far, they've not uploaded any of the supporting documents to their webserver. I'll post those documents when/or if that occurs. I'll also be recording, so I'll be adding the audio of that meeting to this article.  --TP 

**12.24pm** Here is the audio for that committee meeting:

Here is the legislative calender for today in the North Carolina General Assembly. These are the last weeks of activity for the Democrats before the Republicans take over control of both houses in late January 2011. This will be the first time that has happened in more than 100 years.

If the meetings listed below take place in a room that has been wired for live sound, I've added a link to the audio player on the room number that you can click on and listen to the meeting as it happens. 

9:00 AM
Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee

544 LOB
1:30 PM
Global Engagement, Joint Select Committee on

544 LOB
6:00 PM
Public Hearing of the Joint Legislative Commission on Dropout Prevention and High School Graduation - Asheville


I'm also trying out a search widget that will display tweets by people who use the hashtags #NCGA or #NCLEG. Just be aware that #NCGA is also a hashtag that is used by other people, too. Most notably for the National Corn Growers Association. I'll be using the alternate tag #NCLEG so that I can use widgets during the next session and not have to worry about off-topic tweets appearing.

Agenda for the Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee meeting:

Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee Agenda Nov. 17, 2010

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