Here is an excerpt of an excellent case study of the run up to the Russian invasion of Georgia:
In August 2007, a Russian attack plane fired a missile into Georgian territory; it didn’t explode, and Georgia recovered the remains. Russia refused to take responsibility for the act, and the international community did not demand it. Georgia allowed the incident to pass without military response.Russian military forces were gathering near Georgia as radical separatist groups in its South Ossetia region were organizing to try to break free of Georgian rule. In mid April of this year, the Putin regime gave official recognition to various documents issued by the separatists calling for cooperation with Moscow, and the Russian military presence was meant to intimidate the Georgians and prevent them from using force to crush the rebellion. Again, Georgia declined military force.
A few days later, as the elected government in Tbilisi began agitating internationally against Russia’s activities, a Russian MiG fighter jet flew into Georgian air space and shot down an unmanned Georgian reconnaissance plane. In May, the government won a resounding vote of confidence in parliamentary elections that were judged free and fair by international observers. In June, an independent UN investigation confirmed that Russia had committed an act of war against Georgia. As Georgia began to agitate vigorously for NATO membership, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov threatened menacingly: “We told the Georgians that their desire to join NATO will not help solve the problems of Abkhazia and South Ossetia; it will lead to renewed bloodshed.” In January, an overwhelming majority of Georgians had voted to join NATO...
Source: La Russophobe (read the entire article and bookmark this excellent blog)
The same blog offers a ten-step policy that NATO countries should take in response to this naked aggression:
1. Admit Ukraine. Arm it to the teeth.
2. Eject Russia from the G-8.
3. Call for Russia’s ejection from the U.N. Security Council.
4. Recall all national ambassadors from Moscow for 90 days.
5. Invite a conference of Russian opposition leaders to Brussels for a formal meeting with the EU, followed by one in Washington.
6. Begin supplying weapons to the rebels in Russia’s breakaway provinces of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Call openly for Russia to free these regions from bondage...[read more]
I could not agree more. Had Europe responded to Hitler's expansionist crimes in the early 1930's, they could have saved 65 million lives that were later lost trying to defeat him. I hold that we face a similar threat from Russia now...with perhaps hundreds of millions of lives in the balance to be saved from annihilation in the future.
Russia has reported that they are stopping their offensive [video], their goals achieved, against Georgia. Meanwhile, fighting continues for the possession of the Kodori Gorge between Georgian and Abkaz forces. Abkhazia is another break away province of Georgia that has received material and political support from Russia.
Why all this trouble in Georgia?
The problem lies in the practice of the old Soviet Union to colonize nations it took over with ethnic Russians to the point where there was a measure of ethnic cleansing going on in vital areas in the conquered nation.
Many of the descendants of those imperial colonists in the Republic of Georgia are in South Ossetia (which covers part of 5 Georgia districts) and Abkhazi (which covers at least 3 Georgia districts, including vital sea ports). The separatists are heavily funded and supported by Moscow.
There is also an Oil Pipeline through which flows a million bbls or Oil daily, and can act as a lever Putin can use on Europe to keep them quiescent while he rebuilds the Soviet Empire.
And Putin is a villain, who is using the ethnic Russians as a pretext for invading Georgia, much like Hitler did last century.
Here is a map I altered to show you the provinces that Russia favors excising from Georgia:

**Update** 9.27 AM There are reports that Russia has continued its onslaught and has sent a contingent of 135 armored vehicles to help the Abkhazian forces take the Kodori Gorge away from Georgian forces.
Russians Take Gori
Cyber Attacks Force Georgia To Blogger
Russia Land Troops By Sea In AbkhaziaThe War On You Tube
John Batchelor Show for Aug 10th
Georgia Calls for Ceasefire
Monitoring the War in Georgia
Russia Invades Georgia
Russia Preparing To Invade Georgia? (Updated)
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