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Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Collapsing Infrastructure of Africa

Over half a century of poor maintenance and neglect, the power grid of the Central African Republic has collapsed. The capital has gone dark. Two nearby hydroelectric power stations, which provide most of the nation's electricity, have failed from years of neglect. The government is calling on foreign aid donors to fly in generators for hospitals and other essential services. Generators that have been brought in previously have not been maintained, and wear out quickly. This is not an exceptional event, for colonial era infrastructure, from roads to power plants, are collapsing from decades of post-independence neglect. This causes more unrest, as factions battle for a dwindling supply of resources.


It is said that a high technology infrastructure is impossible to maintain when the average IQ of a population is below 85 (in the absence of a significant market dominant minority). The average IQ of SubSaharan Africa consistently measures close to 70, or 75 at most. IQ is not enough, of course. In China, where corruption is rampant, infrastructure collapse can happen too. In Detroit, where city government corruption is a way of life, maintaining the infrastructure is a daily battle.

But if you have both low IQ and corruption--with no market dominant minority--forget about it. It is not going to happen. Build as much as you want, it will surely crumble without maintenance.

Source: Al Fin (read the whole thing)

To help better understand the scale of the problem, here is a graphic showing average IQ by country. Click on the image for a larger image at Wikipedia, remembering that Green and Yellow (in order) are best, and Orange is bad, and that Red and Dark Red are (in order) worse and worser:


This is a disaster that has been in the making for decades. A big part of it is that it is politically suicidal to even identify the problem given the politically motivated rhetoric of the leftists in the West. To them, there can exist no differences among men as a result of their poor choices, and that of their forbearers. There is also the need of the left to have people dependent on the government...and a ready source of people who can be convinced that the evils of the world are the responsibility of those who are successful...and they destroy the very means of their future success.

Sure, we should send aid to Africa. There is something far more powerful that we can give Africa...if they (and the lefty handmaidens of this disaster) will work to accept it.

Al Fin is correct in identifying education as the key to the rebirth of Africa. And not the kind of public education our children receive that is drenched in political rhetoric. Africa needs reading, writing, arithmetic, logic, and the hard sciences.

The world would be a better place with a free and independent Africa, one that is full of bright people. People who know how things work, how to keep them working, and even design and build new things...material and non-material.

That future is blocked by the Cult of The Big Man in Africa, and those lefties who enable them to remain in power...and live as parasites on our goodwill, and the suffering of Africans.

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