
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Drive-by Post w/ Photos and a Flip Flop

I've been busy lately, and too tired to even surf in the mornings before work. I caught an open terminal while at a meeting, and voila! Here are a couple of pix from work to prove I'm not (totally) lazy. In about 6 weeks, I should have enough money saved to purchase an entry-level laptop and that will allow me access via my cell.

Hey, a guy can pause and watch the sun rise, can't he?
Wait! Let me move my truck before you land-lock me!

Parting Shot

I'm listening to "Morning In America with Bill Bennett" via the stream from KRLA, and just found out that the U.A.E. boycotts Israeli products and won't even allow their ships to dock in their country.

Since the U.A.E. boycotts Israeli products, I will switch sides in this bru-ha-ha, and am now opposed to the deal on issues of solidarity with Israel. Yes, I AM in the tank for Israel.