
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Christopher Walken Bar Joke Impression

Trust me on this...listen all the way to the en...

General Bodenheimer's Keynote Address

Franklin, NC hosted a parade and ceremony marking the first Vietnam Veterans Day, and this video is the keynote address given by General F.P. Bodenheimer (ret), who keeps it short and to the point.Press the HD Button for a better video resolution if you are on High-Speed Internet.If you are interested, the rest of the ceremony is available elsewhere on Thunder Pi...

NC General Assembly 03-31-2009 Legislative Calender

I see that the General Assembly (portions, anyway) will be getting to work bright and early today to discover new ways to take our rights and our money...9:30 AMSen. P. BergerPress Room LB10:00 AMJUDICIARY I (Senate)Juror Qualifications/Electronic Juror List (S293)Modify NC Limited Liability Company Act (S412)Auditor Ex Officio Duties (S484)Notice of Hearing/Unsupervised Probation (S513)Increase Access to Justice (S663)1027LB10:00 AMJUDICIARY...

Monday, March 30, 2009

2009 Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony in Franklin, NC
Updated with Parade Video

The below video playlist is of the ceremony held in downtown Franklin, NC to mark the first Vietnam Veterans Day, and is 7 videos long (the 8th is still processing and will be added as soon as it is finished) and comprises the entirety of events that took place after the parade on Saturday. The parade can viewed here and here. My Town Franklin has coverage of the events, as does Beautiful Franklin. I suggest you give them a loo...

Honoring Corporal Jonathan Ayers

In loving memory of CPL Jonathan Ayers from DI=Dream Imagination on Vimeo.Yesterday I had the distinct honor and privilege of attending theceremony honoring the valor of Cpl Jonathan Ayers and the presentation of theposthumous award of the Silver Star to his family.I expected a somber event, but it was instead, by direction of Cpl Ayers mother,Susan, it was a celebration of his life. Cpl Ayers served with Chosen Company, 1st Bn, (Airborne) 503rd Infantry of the 173rd ABCT in Afghanistan.That company compiled an impressive combat record there,...

CMOS Replacing CCD in Prosumer Camcorders

There's a rumor afoot suggesting that Canon will be ditching CCD and adopting CMOS chips for a new pro-level camcorder. Digital cameras and camcorders never been so indistinguishable. If the rumor is true, Canon will be adopting sub-35mm dSLR sensors (APS-C sized CMOS, or what you see in entry level dSLRs like the Rebel) into their elite camcorders. It's not a completely new idea. The Red One has long used a CMOS chip to record 4k video, and Canon...

The Legacy Media Prepares to Marginalize Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck, Christian Conservative Revivalist (according to the New York Slimes)The Legacy Media have now noticed Glenn Beck, and you can be sure that the attack is just beginning. The New York Slimes, hater of Conservatives and Christians, has a piece up on Glenn Beck, and here is a portion:He says that America is “on the road to socialism” and that “God and religion are under attack in the U.S.” He recently wondered aloud whether FEMA was...

NC General Assembly 03-30-2009 Legislative Calender

I see that the week is starting slow for the thieves in the General Assembly...may their efforts to steal our money and our rights be even slower...7:00 PMSession Convenes (House)House Chamber7:00 PMSession Convenes (Senate)Senate Chamb...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Al Gore and Me: We Voted Last Night With Our Lights On!

I am pleased to report that Al Gore, like me, kept his lights on last night during Earth Hour!!!So, either Al is with me, or is a hypocrite...Since Earth Hour was recognized today, Saturday, March 28 from 8:30-9:30pm, I thought I’d see how the hypocritical, fear-mongering former Veep was celebrating at his home. I pulled up to Al’s house, located in the posh Belle Meade section of Nashville, at 8:48pm – right in the middle of Earth Hour. I...

The John Batchelor Show 03-29-2009

It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor! Here is his website. The show starts at 7pm Eastern, and continues for six hours of the best radio you will find anywhere, as only John Batchelor can deliver it with his stable of experts...And here is where you can listen to the show live online:New York, WABC-AM 770 7-10PM ET;Washington DC, WMAL-AM 630 7-9PM ET;San Francisco, KSFO-AM 560;Los Angeles,KFI-AM 640;And here is where you...