1. Olympia Snowe, Maine: (ACU Rating: 12) (Only one point higher than liberal Democrat Hillary Clinton who the ACU scored an 11, and an astonishing 4 points lower than Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid’s 16.)
2. Susan Collins, Maine: 20
(Collins received the same score as liberal Claire McCaskill, and 4 points lower than Russ Feingold’s 24)
3. Arlen Specter, PA: 42 (Only 10 points higher than Mary Landrieu’s 32)
4. George Voinovich, OH: 52
5. Lisa Murkowski, AL: 58
6. Mel Martinez, FL: 60
7. John McCain, AZ: 63
8. Richard Lugar, Ind: 63
9. Robert Bennett, UT: 64
10. Thad Cochran, Miss: 68
Hat Tip: PoliPundit
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