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Thursday, April 1, 2010

BCGOP Press Release:
Cecil Bothwell Turning Asheville Into A Sanctuary City

I just received the following from the Buncombe County Republican Party:


To the Citizens of Buncombe County,
Leaders of the Democrat Party have said for years that they are the "party of the people". They claim to care about the working class and say they will bring jobs.
As Asheville Democrat City Councilman Cecil Bothwell pushes for a resolution to make Asheville a "sanctuary city" for illegal immigrants, ask yourself if the Buncombe County Democrat Party is looking out for you.
In the next few days, watch the Buncombe County Democrat Party leadership very carefully.  See how many of it's leaders like Senator Martin Nesbitt, David Gantt, Susan Fisher, Sheriff Van Duncan, Heath Shuler and the Asheville City Council speak out against their friend Cecil Bothwell.
Advertising that Asheville is a "sanctuary" for illegal immigrants will impact all of  Western North Carolina.   Not only will more jobs be lost in Buncombe County but the surrounding counties as well.  It will increase drug trafficking, crime, and hospitals will overflow with illegal's seeking free health care at the cost of the tax payers high insurance premiums.
So how do you put a stop to this?
Don't call all these politicians personally. Instead, go straight to the source.  Go to where their money flows from.  Make one phone call to the Buncombe County Democrat Headquarters at (828) 274-4482.  Ask the volunteer that answers the phone if they care about your job and patch you through to their party Chairman.  Tell their chairman their so called "party of the people" better listen to the people or their leaders will be out of a job come November!
I urge all Buncombe County citizens to check out the Buncombe County Republican Party and learn how we are fighting for you!
Remember, local Democrat leaders always tell you they care about the culture of our mountain heritage.  We must stop these professional liars before we are all forced to speak a foreign language.

Chad Nesbitt
Buncombe County Republican Party


Chad is about to take the fight to the progressives in Buncombe County. It will be interesting to see how they respond...


I find it wildly hilarious that Chairman Nesbitt and company are challenging a resolution that:
1. Simply makes explicit Constitutional guarantees, including innocence until proven guilty.
2. Simply endorses present federal law which PROHIBITS local officers from enforcing federal immigration law.
3. Reflects current policies of both the Asheville Police and the Buncombe County Sheriff's Department.

I find it frightening to consider: 1. That the U.S. Constitution would apparently not be signed into law if extremists like Nesbitt were in charge of our country.
2. That Nesbitt seems to want to federalize all police powers, so that the national government dictates what our local police do. That hasn't worked to people's benefit in other countries that have tried it.