
I am working on the template of this blog today in order to chase down some problems that have developed with my template and widgets.

Macon County Commissioners

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County Board of County Commissioners.

Franklin Town Board of Aldermen

Coverage of the meetings of the Franklin Town Board of Aldermen.

Macon County School Board

Coverage of the meetings of the Macon County School Board.


Photos from my photoblog.

nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Saturday, January 31, 2009

We Are Republicans

This video was shown at a closed meeting in DC at the Google Headquarters by members of rebuild the party. There was no advance notice of this meeting, and I hope that it does not signal that Rebuild the Party has been captured by the elite Washington insiders.Note: The commentary provided by me, Mohican32, does not necessarily reflect that of the owner of this blog, Thunder pig. Since he gave me the keys and said, " Go to it."So I am. And I am asking if we will have full video and audio feeds from that meeting? I am very mistrustful...

Michael Steele Acceptance Speech

I am filling in for Thunder Pig this weekend as he takes the weekend off.I am a member of his social network Conservative Thunder. The election of Michael Steele as the new party chairman bodes well for the future of our part...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Michael Steele Selected RNC Chairman!!!

According to my twitterfeeds...Michael Steele has been selected the new Chairman of the RNC after six rounds of voting. In case you do not know who he is, or what he is a video of him speaking at the Civitas Leadership Conference in 2007:I was hoping that it would be either him or Ken Blackwell, and anybody except Mike Duncan or Katon Dawson...either of whom would have been disastrous for our party.From Wikipedia about the RNC...

Video Replay: Nikwasi Celebration

I'll be out of pocket for most of the weekend, so here is a video I took this past spring at the dedication of a new marker at the Nikwasi Mound in Franklin, NC with my point and shoot video camera. It runs about 99 minutes, I think. My previous posts about the event:Dedication of Cherokee Heritage Trail MarkerNikwasi Celebration Slide Sho...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Watch Superbowl Ads Early This Year

Since I don't watch football, I don't see the Super Bowl commercials until the next day when they start showing up on the Internet. This year is different, because Ad Week has some of them right now. Just be aware that the player will keep right on playing through to the Super Bowl ads of yesteryear....

NCGA Project:
Senator Basnight's Address of 01-28-2009

This is a video of the remarks made by Senator Basnight in the NC Senate yesterday after he was sworn in for another term as President Pro Tempore of the North Carolina Senate. It was a long distance collaboration between myself and two other members of Conservative Thunder, a social networking site I started last July, and has only recently started to gain some traction (thanks to several recent energetic members).We have a group formed specifically for the purpose of monitoring the NC General Assembly, and we look forward to the challenges ahead,...

NC General Assembly
Legislative Calender 01-29-2009

Our homes, businesses, property and way of life are in danger because the North Carolina General Assembly is back in session, and according to the speech given by Senator Marc Basnight, they will be looking for ways to "save us". [top audio player]Here is the calender for today...11:00 AMSession Convenes(House) [listen live]House Chamber11:00 AMSession Convenes(Senate) [listen live]Senate Chamber11:00 AMPress Conference / Rep. Blue [listen liv...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sitting in Traffic

All this because some retards in Jackson County don't want to build a road that will relieve congestion. I wish we could send them back where they came from with some rock salt in their behinds.And of the natives who have joined them, they should be tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a rai...

Missing the Muppet Master

Jim Henson on WikipediaEntertainment Tonight VideoThanks for the memories, Mr. Henso...

Civitas Institute Finds Burr, Challengers Relatively Unknown in North Carolina

Here are the take-away numbers:“While Senator Burr enjoys a slightly higher overall favorable rating than the other two, none of the three potential candidates are widely known among the electorate,” said Francis De Luca, executive director of the Civitas Institute. “Congressman Shuler is a virtual unknown outside of his district in Western N.C.”Current N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper and US Congressman Heath Shuler are among the two most publicly...

Guerrillas in Asheville, NC
How to Hang Posters

A cute little video I found on you tube about a two week poster hanging campaign for Grupo Fantasma by a guerrilla marketing effort called Guerrilla Street Tea...

North Carolina General Assembly
Legislative Calender 01-28-2009

The NC General Assembly has released the program for tomorrow's today's events in the Senate and House, and I have embedded a copy below that is downloadable for your convenience:2009 0128 CurrentSenateCalendar Publish at Scribd or explore others: Government Business & Legal nc general assembly calender 2009 0128 CurrentHouseCalendar Publish at Scribd or explore others: ...

A Young Jedi Battles Darth Barack

This is the work of a young man who has this youtube channel and and a website called Macho Sauce Productions. Check the guy out, and show him some love!...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Seldom Seen Mount Rushmore Scene

Have you ever wondered what Mount Rushmore looks like from behind? Doug Ross has the phot...

JPA Live Radio 01-27-2009

Josh Allem provides an entertaining look at the world from a christian conservative point of view, with some humor thrown in...The show starts at 5pm Eastern, lasts for an hour and will be archived shortly after the end of the show so that you might listen at your convenience.Listen in the chatroomJosh's bl...

TCOT Radio with Tony Katz 01-27-2009

Join TCOT Radio every Tuesday at 1pm PST. Join me by calling in 646-929-1981 or tweet in via Twitter @tcotradio. We talk about everything that is happening in the world of TCOT - Top Conservatives on Twitter - and beyond. All callers and tweeters of all political persuasions are welcome.The show begins at 4pm Eastern and will be archived for replay after the end.Listen from the chatroom.#TCOT Blog@TCOT Rad...

Alaska Volcano Observatory Places Mount Redoubt Under Orange Alert

Here is the latest: - Status ReportUnrest at Redoubt Volcano continues. Seismicity at stations closest to the volcano's summit has declined somewhat starting at about 4:00 AKT this morning, but remains well above background levels.Nothing unusual has been seen over the past 24 hours in clear to partly cloudy satellite views. AVO conducted an overflight of the volcano yesterday afternoon, and observations confirm that an eruption has not occurred....

SarahPAC is Now Live

Come on over and sign up, give a little money and help build a warchest for 2012.Visit SarahPAC.**3.04pm** Speculation abounds over the symbology of the initial splash pag...

Hypocrisy: Putting a known tax cheat in charge of the IRS

Roll Call VoteWikipediaUS Dept of the TreasuryWe could look on the bright side...if we are caught not paying taxes, we can claim the Geithner Defens...

The Battisti asylum in Brazil: 15 Minutes on Latin America

Italy recalled its Ambassador to Brazil yesterday after Brazil granted political asylum to Cesare Battisti, a terrorist who was convicted in absentia by Italy for murders committed in the 1970s. The Lula government refused to extradite Battisti to Italy, and a Brazilian court has revised its prior decision. What does this mean for the Hemisphere? Read More>>Show begins at 11am and will be archived for replay shortly afterward.Listen in the...

Rush Limbaugh Fills GOP's Leadership Void;
Obama Knows It, As Do Conservatives: Let's Make It Official

Brian Maloney, of Radio Equalizer, has an interesting piece on the emerging war of words that President Obama has launched on the chief proponent of conservatism in America today, radio host, Rush Limbaugh. Why should President Obama single out Rush Limbaugh as Public Enemy Number One of his administration? Because there is no coherent leadership in the current crop of elected US Senate or US House of Representatives. Nor, sadly enough, in the RNC Leadership as currently elected. Rush Limbaugh also has more influence on the conservative...

Republican Senators Under Suspicion

Republicans senators voting for Geitner's confirmation were; Bob Corker (Tennessee), John Cornyn (Texas), Mike Crapo (Idaho), John Ensign (Nevada), Lindsey Graham (South Carolina), Judd Gregg (New Hampshire), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Richard Shelby (Alabama), Olympia Snowe (Maine), and George Voinovich (Ohio).These are among the chief suspects when Senate Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid wants to secure a filibuster-proof vote. I am very surprised that Senator John McCain was not in their number...The grassroots in the Republican party have a long...

NC General Assembly
Legislative Calender 01-27-2009

This is the last day of committee meetings for the old NC General Assembly, the new one will be sworn in tomorrow at about noon. I'll try to have the podcast up by the end of the day on the Conservative Thunder network.9:00 AMCANCELLED - Courts CommissionN/A9:30 AMRevenue Laws Study Committee [Docs]House Appt: D Hill, P Luebke (Cochair), W Wainwright;Senate Appt: D Clodfelter, D Hoyle, F Hartsell, Jr., H Webster, J Kerr III (Cochair), W Dalton, P Brunstetter;Clerk Appt: DeAnne Mangum (919) 733-2405;Staff Appt: Rodney Bizzell (919) 733-4910,...

Monday, January 26, 2009

JPA Live Radio 01-26-2009

All I can say about the JPA Live Radio Show is that you will be entertained and informed. The show starts at 5pm Eastern Time and lasts for an hour. Shortly after the show, the program will be available for podcast in case you missed it live.For even more fun, you can join in the chatroom and listen from there.Josh also has a blog, and an entertaining youtube channel.Perhaps Volume 14 of the Best of the JPA Live Show will serve as an example of...

Anonymous Attack On RNC Chair Candidate Uses Fake Newspaper Cover

“RNC Chooses Whites Only Chairman,” the headline blares. The subheds: “White House Rejoices With GOP Selection.” And: “GOP Leaders and Independent Voters Upset.” The “front page” does specify that it’s a “parody.” The idea, obviously, is to hit Dawson by pointing out that electing someone who was a member of a whites only club as the new public face of the GOP won’t exactly help the party counter charges that it’s become a southern regional party...

William Gheen in Chatham County on Tuesday Night

I urge anyone near Chatham County who can attend this meeting to do so...Hat Tip: Ron Woodard of NC ListenPRESS RELEASEAttention all North Carolina ALIPACers!ALIPAC's President, William Gheen is going into Chatham County on Tuesday night for an important meeting.We need as many of you as possible to join us to learn more and show your support.As you may have heard, Chatham County's Commission has voted to prohibit their law enforcement agencies from working closely with Immigration and Customs to deport illegal aliens arrested for other crimes.This...

Asheville Stimulus Wish List
A Letter From Dr. Carl Mumpower

Dr. Carl Mumpower, ever the faithful watchdog, has issued a letter [copy available here] on the recent effort by others on the Asheville City Council to seek Federal Monies.The list of projects will cost $122 million, according to a recent article in the Asheville Citizen-Times, include:Projects for Asheville include:Hendersonville Road sidewalkMcDowell Street sidewalkBeaverdam Road sidewalkReplacement busesinstallation of bus stopsBrian and Burton...

Carnival Monday on Fausta Radio

Fausta has scheduled a show for this morning at 11am called, "Carnival Monday: Bolivian election, Mexican drug wars & other stories 15 Minutes on Latin America" and you can listen to it live (or archived) on the player below:Or, if you prefer, listen from the chatroom.The show starts at 11am, and should last for about 15 minutes. If you miss it live, it will be archived to play in the same player above a few minutes after the show is complete.Fausta...

North Carolina General Assembly
Legislative Calender 01-26-2009

None of these meetings are available via the web audio feed, so there will be no podcast today: 2:00 PM Housing, Joint Study Committee on [List] House Appt: A Adams (Cochair), P Gibson (Cochair), D Goforth, L Hall, P McElrath, T Walker;Senate Appt: J Queen (Cochair), A Rand (Cochair), K Dorsett, J Forrester, E Kinnaird, F McKissick; 1124/1224 LB 2:00 PM Joint Urban Growth and Infrastructure Issues [List] 414 LOB 3:00 PM House Select Committee on a Comprehensive Rail Service Plan...

Morning Brief 01-26-2009

Here is my morning brief linkfest...Zen Pundit has another one of his Recommended Reading posts up, and I also recommend his previous post in the hidden networks of twitter.Ubiwar has an interesting article on the Quantum Theory of War. The Northeast Intelligence Network is undergoing a substantial overhaul following this statement that was posted, then removed from the website:20 January 2008: Over the last several months, the Northeast Intelligence Network has been quietly conducting a number of investigations into threats posed to the safety,...