Here is my latest look around western North Carolina to see what's going on...
Social Networks have become hot on the right side of the political spectrum, and it has reached West Carolina...
Things are starting to get busy at the Conservative Thunder Social Network (formed in July 2008) as new members receive training on basic HTML and gain access to Thunder Pig's armory of web tools and secret online database.
Conservative Thunder member Richard Bernier has started a social network for Republicans in Buncombe County, and according to an email, no RINOs need apply.
Ron Paul fans have started a Ning of their own, but the membership is moderated and the material available for members only. Now, that is deliciously ironic! Kinda defeats the whole purpose of a "liberty-minded group" don't cha think?
However, not all Paul fans are close minded, Paul Metcalf, of Henderson County, has formed an excellent Ning Community called Rebuilding the Right. Even though I disagree with him philosophically, he gets it when it comes to forming a social network. I will eagerly watch the growth of his network, and the synergy it will create.
Leslee Kulba, writing at the John Locke Foundation blog, Wild West, is less than exuberant over the doubling of the land use options proposed by planners, and I agree. It is like giving a slave the choice of the color of their chain that holds them in slavery.
And my favorite blogger west of the Balsams is like a duck on a junebug when it comes to all things Chancellor Bardo of Western Carolina University.
Longstreet has called Bovine Scatology on President Obama for taking America into harm's way. He is not afraid of being a truth teller in a world of liars.
The progressive group blog, Scrutiny Hooligans, reports on a rumor that former Buncombe County Commissioner David Young may have support from NC Governor Bev Perdue for chair of the NC Democrat Party. I guess corruption loves corruption, huh?
Where's The Outrage? has a news roundup from a progressive point of view.
AshVegas reports on preparations for Groundhog Day. I'm betting on six more weeks of winter in this cooling trend.
Longstreet has called Bovine Scatology on President Obama for taking America into harm's way. He is not afraid of being a truth teller in a world of liars.
The progressive group blog, Scrutiny Hooligans, reports on a rumor that former Buncombe County Commissioner David Young may have support from NC Governor Bev Perdue for chair of the NC Democrat Party. I guess corruption loves corruption, huh?
Where's The Outrage? has a news roundup from a progressive point of view.
AshVegas reports on preparations for Groundhog Day. I'm betting on six more weeks of winter in this cooling trend.
And here is the news as reported by the Legacy Media websites...
Lefties in the North Carolina General Assembly, as reported in the Asheville Citizen-Times, have chosen the members of a committee to determine the effects of oil or natural gas exploration off the coast of North Carolina. Let me guess the results of the study...they're not gonna bite the hand that feeds them, and they'll say it is "environmentally unsound". If the NCGOP had any foresight, they'd be paying attention to this, and formulate a proper response...looking forward to 2010.
The Andrews Journal, sporting a new look, reports on Annalyn VanBuskirk becoming an American.
The Swain County Sheriff and County commissioners are looking at ways to improve security in the wake of an inmate escape, according to the Smoky Mountain Times. []
The Crossroads Chronicle is reporting that the Cashiers Village council members are taking action to implement the results of the socialist Mountain Landscapes Iniative charettes, and they are very proud of their part, too. Lord, please save us from the socialists!!! All these "local councils" remind more of the many "soviets" that did the will of the Communist party in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics than anything American.
The Franklin Press has a report on a local MLK celebration that was energized by the thought of the Obama Inauguration.
The Clay County progress notes that the Clay-Towns Development Authority is coming to an end. The Clay-Towns Industrial Park was formed in 2005 under authority of the North Carolina and Georgia legislatures in the hopes that they could attract industries to the area.
The Graham Star has a story on the February 18, 2009 deadline given by FEMA to Graham County to comply with floodplain guidelines or lose access to all federal disaster funds and all flood insurance in the unincorporated areas of the county will be cancelled. So, the people of Graham County are feeling the hard hand of their Federal Oppressors who have addicted the local governments to easy money...all they have to do now is threaten withdrawal of funds...and the locals are now forced to comply...for they have lost the knowledge of freedom.
The Cherokee Scout has a report on a local observance of MLK Day in Murphy.
In Jackson County, the Sylva Herald reports on the 3-2 vote to continue the fight with Duke Power to save the Dillsboro Dam. Commissioners Brain McMahan, Joe Cowan and mark Jones voted to continue, while Tom Massie and William Shelton voted to give up.
According to the The Mountain Xpress, the Buncombe County commission has voted unanimously to once again televise public comments at their meetings. The vote takes effect at the February 3, 2009 meeting.
Lefties in the North Carolina General Assembly, as reported in the Asheville Citizen-Times, have chosen the members of a committee to determine the effects of oil or natural gas exploration off the coast of North Carolina. Let me guess the results of the study...they're not gonna bite the hand that feeds them, and they'll say it is "environmentally unsound". If the NCGOP had any foresight, they'd be paying attention to this, and formulate a proper response...looking forward to 2010.
The Andrews Journal, sporting a new look, reports on Annalyn VanBuskirk becoming an American.
The Swain County Sheriff and County commissioners are looking at ways to improve security in the wake of an inmate escape, according to the Smoky Mountain Times. []
The Crossroads Chronicle is reporting that the Cashiers Village council members are taking action to implement the results of the socialist Mountain Landscapes Iniative charettes, and they are very proud of their part, too. Lord, please save us from the socialists!!! All these "local councils" remind more of the many "soviets" that did the will of the Communist party in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics than anything American.
The Franklin Press has a report on a local MLK celebration that was energized by the thought of the Obama Inauguration.
The Clay County progress notes that the Clay-Towns Development Authority is coming to an end. The Clay-Towns Industrial Park was formed in 2005 under authority of the North Carolina and Georgia legislatures in the hopes that they could attract industries to the area.
The Graham Star has a story on the February 18, 2009 deadline given by FEMA to Graham County to comply with floodplain guidelines or lose access to all federal disaster funds and all flood insurance in the unincorporated areas of the county will be cancelled. So, the people of Graham County are feeling the hard hand of their Federal Oppressors who have addicted the local governments to easy money...all they have to do now is threaten withdrawal of funds...and the locals are now forced to comply...for they have lost the knowledge of freedom.
The Cherokee Scout has a report on a local observance of MLK Day in Murphy.
In Jackson County, the Sylva Herald reports on the 3-2 vote to continue the fight with Duke Power to save the Dillsboro Dam. Commissioners Brain McMahan, Joe Cowan and mark Jones voted to continue, while Tom Massie and William Shelton voted to give up.
According to the The Mountain Xpress, the Buncombe County commission has voted unanimously to once again televise public comments at their meetings. The vote takes effect at the February 3, 2009 meeting.
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