It's Sunday night, and that means it's time for John Batchelor!
Here is his website.
The show starts at 7pm Eastern, and continues for six hours of the best radio you will find anywhere, as only John Batchelor can deliver it with his stable of experts...
And here is where you can listen to the show live online:
New York, WABC-AM 770 7-10PM ET;
Washington DC, WMAL-AM 630 7-9PM ET;
San Francisco, KSFO-AM 560;
Los Angeles,KFI-AM 640;
New York, WABC-AM 770 7-10PM ET;
Washington DC, WMAL-AM 630 7-9PM ET;
San Francisco, KSFO-AM 560;
Los Angeles,KFI-AM 640;
And here is where you can find the podcasts of the show: the first three hours, and the last three hours.
Schedule for Tonight: (all six hours are on the same link now)
The first two hours are below to whet your appetite:
Schedule for Tonight: (all six hours are on the same link now)
The first two hours are below to whet your appetite:
705P ET: Steve Moore, Wall Street Journal, with Simon Constable, DowJones Newswire, re John Galt, hero of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged," watching the TARP 2 package, re John Galt watching the $850 billion stimulus package, re watching the inaugation festivities in which we begin to spend our way to prosperity. Re WASHINGTON - Invoking hope and history, President-elect Barack Obama rolled into the capital city Saturday night after pledging to help bring the nation "a new Declaration of Independence" and promising to rise to the stern challenges of the times. He kicked off a four-day inaugural celebration with a daylong rail trip, retracing the path Abraham Lincoln took in 1861. Full Story»
720P: Larry Kudlow, CNBC, re TARP 2 sails through the Senate, re the Gordon Brown. Alistair Darling Bad Bank, re the Inauguration and the Treasury's Bad Bank. Equity Investors Will Be Smiling at Year End - Steve Forbes, Forbes
735P: Professional Roundtable Jodi Schneider, CQ, Mona Charen, NRO, John Fund, Wall Street Journal, re the Obama inaugural celebration, re the whistle-stop from Philadelphia, re the Lincoln claims and the FDR New Deal comparisons.
750P: Continued re the $850 billion stimulus package so far, re the complaints of Democrats, re the new administration takes command. US Senate blocks finance chief hearings.
805P: Joanna Lublin, Wall Street Journal, with Simon Constable, DowJones Newswire, CEO Firings on the Rise. CEOs at six major U.S. companies lost their jobs in just the last eight days, a sign of turmoil to come, say directors and recruiters.
820P: Malcolm Hoenlein, Conference of Presidents Major Jewish Organizations, re the Israeli Cabinet votes "Unilateral Ceasefire" in Gaza, re the MOU signed on Friday 16 by T. Livni and C. Rice.
835: Financial Professionals, with Tom Donlan, Barron's, John Tamny, RealClearMarkets.com, Simon Constable, Dow Jones, Aaron Task, Yahoo Finance, re Forecasting Pain, From the U.S. to Australia - Nouriel Roubini, Forbes Government Solutions Are Slowing the Economy - John Tamny, RCM, The End of Citi's Financial Supermarket - Andy Kessler, Wall Street Journal
850P: Continued, re the legacy of Hank Paulson, rescuer or collectivizer, re TARP 2, what is it good for? US Senate blocks finance chief hearings.
905P: Aaron Klein, WND, re the al-Shifa Hospital storage room full of Ismail Haniyeh and cronies, re the IDF closing the net, re the Olmert cabinet obeying the White House; re the Obama plan; re the IDF phased withdrawal, re the Spring '09 battle plan.
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