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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Has Amnestry International ever read the Third Geneva Convention?

Amnesty International has not only committed a terrible faux pas, it has put the cross hairs directly on itself with its recent announcement about Gitmo. To sum their latest outrage up, they said the U.S. was violating the rights of detainees held at that location.

First of all, they are not detainees, they are "illegal armed combatant detainees" (well not armed anymore), in short TERRORISTS.

According to the Geneva Convention of 1949, in Article 43 Section 1, it states that:

Such armed forces shall be sunject to an internal disciplinary system which, 'inter alia', shall enforce compliance with the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict.

I think that we all recall the execution of hostages in Iraq. That's not according to international law. Now, if the leaders of this 'insurgency' in Iraq were to punish the ones who ordered and carried out these executions, then we'd be on the right track. I'm not holding my breath. Come to think of it, Amnesty International hasn't kicked up too much of a fuss about those executions. Wonder why?

Now on to the 'detainees' and their status. According to the Geneva Convention of 1949, to be accorded POW status, armed combatants must wear uniforms (strike), carry arms openly and distinguish themselves from the civilian population (strike).

Seems to me we coulda just shot them right then and there, but being softies, we figured that 'Abdullah' just might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and cut him some slack to investigate further. And also, if he was shooting at us, well, he's off the goat trail now.

Guys we have captured under these conditions have NO RIGHTS. Certainly none under OUR CONSTITUTION. Heck, if we needed to squeeze a little info out of them, all bets are off. We've even shown them exceeding amounts of mercy. Brand new prayer hats, rugs, Qu'rans, prayer beads, even pointing the way to Mecca for them and letting them now the proper times to pray.

I don't believe these hoodlums have even entertained the idea of allowing a hostage to have the proper implements of whatever their religion was, do you? in fact, the Saudis will shred a Bible if someone brings one into the country.

Gotta go, maybe I'll be in a better mood later. Still coughing up a storm.