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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Macon County Board of Commissioners
September 10, 2024 Regular Meeting

The Macon County Board of Commissioners will be meeting tonight at 6pm in the commissioners boardroom on the third floor. If more than 49 people show up, due to fire regulations and opening meeting laws, they will have to move upstairs to accommodate those who show up.

Roll Call
(a record of which media outlets sends reporters to cover the meeting)
Franklin Press - (Thomas)
Macon Sense - (Amy)

Video (live at 6pm)

Public Agenda

1. Call to order and welcome by Chairman Shields

2. Announcements

3. Moment of Silence

4. Pledge of Allegiance

5. Public Hearings – Macon County Community Transportation Program
A. 5311 Admin Grant
1. Presentation of the 5311 Admin Grant (5 minutes)
2. Open Public Hearing
3. Public Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
4. Close Public Hearing
5. Discussion regarding the 5311 Admin Grant

B. 5310 Elderly and/or Disabled Grant
1. Presentation of the 5310 Elderly and/or Disabled Grant (5 minutes)
2. Open Public Hearing
3. Public Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
4. Close Public Hearing
5. Discussion regarding the 5310 Elderly and/or Disabled Grant

C. Combined Capital Grant
1. Presentation of the Combined Capital Grant (5 minutes)
2. Open Public Hearing
3. Public Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
4. Close Public Hearing
5. Discussion regarding the Combined Capital Grant

D. ConCept Grant
1. Presentation of the ConCept Grant (5 minutes)
2. Open Public Hearing
3. Public Comments (3 minutes per speaker)
4. Close Public Hearing
5. Discussion regarding the ConCept Grant
**Approval of FY26 Program Resolution and FY26 Local Share Certification**

6. Public Comment Period

7. Additions to agenda

8. Adjustments to and approval of the agenda

9. Reports/Presentations – None

10. Old Business
(A) Update on Quarter-Cent Sales Tax Referendum – John Knippel, Business Advisory Council
(B) Approval of the Farmland Protection Plan – Soil and Water District Director Doug Johnson
(C) Approval of the Macon County Public Health Billing Guide and Fee Plan – Health Director Kathy McGaha
(D) Discussion regarding Watershed Protection Ordinance – Board of Commissioners
(E) Approval of Renewal Lease for Offices Utilized by North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections Probation and Parole – County Manager Derek Roland

11. New Business
(A) Relocation of Franklin High School (FHS) weight room for new campus construction - Macon County School Board
(B) Highlands School Project Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) discussion - Vannoy Construction
(C) Macon Middle School Track project update - Macon County School Board
(D) Discussion and approval to repeal ordinances – Attorney Eric Ridenour
1. Title XI Business Regulations, Chapter 110 Cable Television and Title I General Provisions, Chapter 8-A Mediacom Franchise and Chapter 8-B Northland Cable Franchise
2. Title VII Traffic Code
3. Title IX General Regulations, Fire Prevention including Appendix A: Violations Schedule and Appendix B: Fire Inspection Fee System

(E) Discussion regarding recreational facilities – Commissioner Josh Young

12. Consent Agenda – Attachment #12
All items below are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. No separate discussion will be held except on request of a member of the Board of Commissioners.
(A) Minutes of the August 13, 2024 regular meeting
(B) Budget Amendments #53-68
(C) Resolution Approving Plat Review Officers
(D) Tax releases for the month of August 2024 in the amount of $18,462.31
(E) The settlement report for 2021 taxes
(F) Monthly ad valorem tax collection report – no action necessary

13. Appointments - None

14. Closed session as allowed under NCGS 143-318.11

15. Adjourn/Recess

Agenda Packet [Download PDF -66 pages]