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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

County Commissioners Begin Process of Selecting a New County Manager

The Macon County Board of Commissioners held a Continuation Meeting this morning. Below is a video of the portion of the meeting that was open to the public and notes from the meeting.

Macon County Board of Commissioners 
- Special Meeting (09-17-2024) | Macon Media

News Outlet Roll Call
(a record of which news outlets sent representative(s) to the meeting)

Macon Media - (Bobby)

No other news outlet was present at the meeting. However, incoming county commissioner Barry Breeden was present. He will be sworn into office in December.

Public Agenda

1. Reconvene and welcome by Chairman Shields
2. Discussion regarding the recruitment of a County Manager
3. Other business as needed
4. Closed session as allowed under NCGS 143-318.11
5. Adjourn/Recess

Macon Middle School Track Project

Consultant Jack Morgan discusses the Macon Middle School Track Project with the board.(Photo by Bobby Coggins)

Commissioners discussed and ratified the consensus to continue with the project, appropriating funds from the fund balance by a vote of 3-0-2 (Higdon and Shearl were absent).

Underground Fuel Tank at Highlands School

After a discussion about the mitigation efforts for fuel contamination at the site, commissioners ratified the previous consensus to go ahead with the project as recommended by the school board and the Construction Management at Risk. The $825,000 appropriated for this mitigation effort is expected to be the maximum price if significant contamination is discovered. If not, the cost will be $610,000.

New County Manager Selection Process

Franklin Mayor Jack Horton discusses what the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners can do to assist the board in selecting someone to replace Derek Roland as county manager. (Photo by Bobby Coggins)

Commissioners started the process of replacing the current county manager, Derek Roland, with a new one this morning. Franklin Mayor (and previous Macon County Manager, Jack Horton, spoke to commissioners regarding what the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners could offer to assist the board. Horton is a part-time employee of the organization and he represents the 26 westernmost counties in the state. The organization can assist the board find an interim county manager and/or a permanent replacement. Since the current county manager will be gone on November 1st, 2024, time is of the essence. Mr Horton noted that the process can take 6 months or more.

Tammy Keezer, HR Director/Deputy Clerk to the Board advised the board they would have to go into closed session to discuss the county employee recruitment package she had prepared for the board.

Commissioners voted 3-0-2 to go into closed session. (Higdon and Shearl were absent). Macon Media did not wait around for commissioners to come back into open session.

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Published at 3:10am on Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Author: Bobby Coggins