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nullspace for future use

nullspace for future use


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Why Did Global Warming Become a Moral Matter?

As a scientist, I find the current strategy of the global warming crusade to be fascinating. Particularly because I am a scientist, I also find it insulting. Everyone should find it very disturbing.

I am referring to the fact that the global warming issue is now regarded as a "moral" matter by its advocates. None other than The High Priest of Global Warming (Al Gore) has decreed it as such. Of course, there is some obvious humor in this because the liberals will also tell you that you "cannot legislate morality". Well, it does not take complicated logic to conclude that if global warming is indeed a moral matter and if it is true that you cannot legislate morality, then it should hold that you cannot legislate global warming.

The American Thinker

I guess maybe Glenn Beck was right when he said that Al Gore would be a laughing stock in ten years, I know I've been laughing at him ever since he called for the internal combustion engine to be outlawed in his book, "Earth In The Balance," and that was before he invented the internet!